Patents - Page 12

Patent Marking

Pursuant to 35 U.S. Code § 287(a), the following list provides notification of protection of certain Gem Products, LLC products by one or more U.S. patents or patents elsewhere. Although updated periodically, this list may not contain all Gem Products, LLC products that are protected by U.S. patents or all patents that protect any Gem Products, LLC product.

Item Patent Number
OR-RGA-13 D924,670 US
OR-RGA-13-SLL-KIT 29/904,041 US
D924,670 US
OR-RK-1 : OR-RK-1B D924,670 US
OR-RK-1 : OR-RK-1W D924,670 US
OR-RK-2 : OR-RK-2B D924,670 US
OR-RK-2 : OR-RK-2W D924,670 US
OR-RK-3 : OR-RK-3B D924,670 US
OR-RK-3 : OR-RK-3W D924,670 US
OR-RK-C : OR-RK-CB D924,670 US
OR-RK-C : OR-RK-CW D924,670 US
OR-SH-11 10,589,824 US
OR-SH-11-W 10,589,824 US
OR-SH-12 10,589,824 US
OR-SH-12-W 10,589,824 US
OR-SH-13 10,589,824 US
OR-SH-13-W 10,589,824 US
OR-SH-23 10,589,824 US
OR-SLL 29/904,041 US
P24-5 29/813,039 US
P30-5 29/813,039 US
UM-8-9-B-BWM-O5 11,293,466 US
UM-8-9-W-BWM-O5 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-5-S-B-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-5-S-W-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-6-S-B-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-6-S-W-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-7-S-B-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-7-S-W-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-8-S-B-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-8-S-W-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-9-S-B-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
UM-M : UM-M-8-9-S-W-B-O5BH 11,293,466 US
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